More Trail Notes
If you’ve ever visited a mountain hut, you’d have noticed a ratty log book with doodles and notes from the travelers passing through. Every video project is an experience. This isn’t a factory. And this is my journal from that journey. Sort of word doodles on spiral bound pixel paper. Enjoy!
People Don’t Read Video
My solo career started with a creative difference with a creative director. No, I wasn’t fired. We’d just been working for months on a corporate video and I felt quite strongly that the silent spaces afforded by text-only testimonials helped give the overall story room to breath, and resonate.
Inspiration of the Week:
Each week you'll find me looking at the work of someone who's been a recent inspiration. With a new project on my desk, my attention turned this week to Manija Emrans, the designer behind many of the award-winning titles. In particular, her work on We Are The Giant....